tAkEn @ GeNtInG hOtEl 2007!!!
mUii FrenZ sInce pRi sCh!!
KC0601D RoCkX
mUii fellow classmate n trainers!!
We work as a team!!!
Work hard n play hard!!!
R we still sista4eva!!!
where r promise we made???
mUiii Bro!!!
mUii classmate!!!
hArIzAn N mMiEee!!!
oNcE fReNx 4eVa FrENx!!!
w3 R aLwAyS fReNx!!!!
mUii oNe N oNLi!!
Devoted 2 eUuuu!!!
dRaNk bY uS???
mEmOrIes oF dAyS in CPTC!!!
A tEachEr a wIl aLwAys rEspEcT!!!
h3lp mIeee thru muii days at CPTC!!!
Thx aLoTs!!!
oNc3 sIsTa!!!
bT wAD R w3 nW???
MiZ eUuu GaLs l0ts!!!
nitez we spend @ fang ting house!!!
mUii beloved sis n miie!!!
I simply lurve her lots!!!
During christmas countdown!!!!
Everlasting friendship!!!
Pictures taken at east coast park
We enjoyed cycling there!!!
Fang Ting,, Miee N mUii bEl0v3d sIs
TaKen in yishun safra toilet b4 countdown 2008!!!
Mieee n Fang Ting taken @ east coast park!!!
uS aGaiin,, sIsTa4eVa!!!
abIt dRuNk dE uS aFt dRiNk...
Taken at Fang ting house!!
s0m3 pIcS oF mUii FrEnZ N mUii b3l0v3d oNeS wId mEmOrIeS~~~
eNj0Y vIeWiNg~~~